Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine
The veterinary Faculty was organized in 1939 on the basis of the North Caucasian zootechnical institute.
Preparation of veterinarians is carried out by highly qualified staff: 14 PhD, professors and 29 candidates of science, associate professors. Scientists of Faculty carry out scientific researches on actual problems of veterinary science of North Caucasus federal district.
The priority fields are:
1 . Development of methods of diagnostics, struggle and prevention measures at infertility and mastitis of ruminants, chronic infectious, parasitic and diseases of a non-contagious etiology of animals and birds.
2 . Morpho-functional relationshops and immunogenesis in system "mother – fetus".
3 . Studying of bicyclical processes and influence of ecological factors on morpho-functional indicators among pets.

Veterinary clinics coplex
There are 4 scientific schools at the Faculty:
• Parasitology (the research supervisors – professor A.A.Vodyanov, S. N. Lutsuk, V.A.Orobets).
• Physiology (the research supervisor – professor F. A. Meshcheryakov).
• Microbiology and epizootology (the research supervisor – professor A. F.Dmitriev).
• Obstetrics (the research supervisor – professor V. Y. Nikitin).
The Regional center of veterinary medicine was opened in 2009 at Faculty, it is equipped with the latest equipment, providing possibility of effective treatment of animals and carrying out scientific researches at high level. There is modern laboratory equipment for research work on chairs of Faculty.

The adviser for Parasitology is professor S.N. Lutsuk (2010)
There is protection candidate and theses for a doctor's degree works dissertational council. Work on improvement of professional skill of teachers of the higher school and experts with the higher and average vocational education is held. Scientists of faculty participate in work of the international, All-Russia and interuniversity conferences due to results of which collections of scientific works are issued, e.g. «Diagnostics, treatment and preventive maintenance of diseases of agricultural animals», «Actual problems of increase of efficiency and health protection of animals», «Parasitic, infectious and non-infectious animals».

Professor A.N. Kvochko holds preparation for lamb’s laryngeal catheterization tracheas (2009)
There is the Dissertation council on protection of master's and doctoral dissertation Faculty. The chairman of dissertation council is professor Tolokonnikov Vasily Petrovitch. Work on increase of qualification of teachers of the higher school and experts with the higher and secondary vocational education is carried out. Scientists of Faculty participate in work of the international, All-Russian and interuniversity conferences, they publish scientific collections: "Diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases of agricultural animals", "Actual problems of increase of efficiency and health protection of animals", "Parasitic, infectious and noninfectious diseases of animals".

Rewarding of O. Sapozhnikova, the winner of "Participant of youth scientific innovation competition" Program (2009)
Scientists and students of Faculty take active part in work of the international exhibitions and salons. The developments of professors of V. P. Toklokonnikov, S. N. Lutsuk, A.F.Dmitriev, V.A.Orobets, S.A. Pozova, V.V.Rodina, associate professors Y.V. Dyachenko, V.A.Belyaev, V.Yu.Morozov and senior lecturer I.V. Kireev got gold, silver, bronze medals and diplomas on the Moscow international salons of high technilogy, the Biotechnological exhibition -fair "RosBioTech" (Moscow) in 2006-2011. In 2006-2011 diplomas of fund of I.N. Blokhina were awarded scientific developments of professors V. P. Tolokonnikov, S. N. Lutsuk, A.F.Dmitriev, V.A.Orobets and associate professors Y.V. Dyachenko, V.A.Belyaev, M. N. Verevkina, V.Yu.Morozov.
Scientific and technical council of the Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai approved for introduction in treatment production of 10 recommendations and prevention of agricultural animals. Liposomal suppositories are developed for treatment of urogenital pathology of agricultural animals (authors V. P. Tolokonnikov, S. N. Lutsuk, L.M. Kuzyakova). The biopharmaceutical assessment of suppositories is characterized by influence of a number of factors on nature of release and absorptions of medicinal substances.
For the first time in veterinary practice it is offered to use as remedies composite preparations in the liposomal form which application provides possibility of receiving livestock production of high sanitary quality, reductions of terms of treatment (for 3–5 days) and quantities of entered intrauterine funds from six-eight to one-two. Treatment-and-prophylactic efficiency of suppositories is 92–98%. New composite forms of antibacterial medicines are developed for treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases of animals (authors V.I.Trukhachev,
V. P. Tolokonnikov, S. N. Lutsuk). The technology of application of composite preparations on the basis of complex use of antibiotics, anti-protozoan preparations, and the anthelminthic means providing high (95 %) efficiency medical preventive actions for resistance against infectious and invasive animal diseases.
On the basis of nanotechnologies the selenium containing preparation "Ekstraselen" (authors V.A. Orobets, V.A. Belyaev, I.V. Kireev) for the first time is created and stabilized. Ekstraselen is little toxic, also possesses high bioavailability. It is established that increase of comprehensibility of selenium is reached due to nanodimensional effect at simultaneous synergetic decrease in toxicity at the expense of a zero-valent condition. Preparation introduction in a therapeutic dose promotes normalization of level of selenium in an organism of animals and activation of a fermentative link of antioxidant system of protection of an organism due to increasing of activity of a catalase, a peroxidase, glutathione-peroxidase and decreasing in concentration of products of peroxide oxidation in blood. Application of Ekstraselen reduces the frequency of development of obstetric pathology, reduces service period and frequency rate of insemination, raises a gain of live weight of young growth of cattle.

Professor A.F. Dmitriev has original researches on indication of microorganisms and sanitary and microbiological assessment of the air environment of rooms are original. «Catcher of Microorganisms» and «Device for Sanitary Bacterial Air Researches» are improved. The received results can be used when developing sanitary hygienic requirements and standards for a bacterial inoculation of room air.
New technologies of preparation of biologically active preparations from beekeeping by-products which are tested at invasive diseases of animals:
– lyophilized biologically active preparation from preimaginal phases of drones (authors S. N. Lutsuk, V. P. Tolokonnikov, Y.V. Dyachenko) and feed additive from larvae of drones and a podmor of bees (authors S. N. Lutsuk, A.P. Marynich, O.A.Marynich), effective at treatment and prevention of pig balantidiosis;
– spirit preparation for increase of resistance of an organism from a pomor of bees (authors S. N. Lutsuk, A.I. Drobina), intended for treatment of cattle sick with piroplasmosis.
Preparations of this group are the natural immunomodulators increasing stability of an organism to diseases of animals of a various etiology, stimulate growth of muscular weight, blood formation, increase efficiency and an animal yield, increase resistance of an organism.
Scientists of Faculty developed 40 preparations for treatment and prevention of diseases of domestic and agricultural animals of a various etiology. An active scientific research work is carrying out at Faculty. For the last 7 years 40 patents for inventions, 2 copyright certificates are taken out. Professors of Faculty published 17 monographs and 4 textbooks, 123 manuals, including 44 with a signature stamp of EMU of higher education institutions of Russia. Staff of scientists of Faculty is joined every year by talented student's youth. The best students and graduate students get grants, scholarships. Students of Faculty not only gain high professional qualification during the study, but also develop spiritually and physically.

Skripkin Valentin Sergeevich
Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technology Management
Academic rank: Docent
Academic degree: Candidate of veterinarian science